The Health and Safety of our team and who we work with is paramount and Pipeline Masters is committed to ensuring the safety of everyone we work with. Pipeline Masters is dedicated to maintaining safe and healthy workplace practices to ensure that neither our team at work nor anyone else in the vicinity of the workplace is harmed due to our work activities.
Pipeline Masters address this duty of care by, so far as reasonably practical:
- Complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015 and Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016, standards, relevant codes of practice and guidelines.
- Providing and maintaining a work environment, that is without risks to health, safety and wellbeing
- Providing and maintaining safe plant, machinery and equipment, whilst providing and maintaining safe systems of work
- Ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transportation of hazardous substances
- Providing and maintaining adequate facilities for the welfare of workers
- Monitoring of the health of our workers and the conditions in the workplace to prevent illness or injury
- Providing any information, training instructions or supervision necessary to protect our workers from the risks relating to their work
- Ensure all contractors are suitably qualified to undertake the work for which they are engaged
- Accurately reporting and recording all workplace events (injury/illness/incident/near miss)
- Consulting with and encouraging the participation of other duty holders, our workers and their representatives on matters affecting health and safety
- Ensuring appropriate processes are in place for receiving, considering and responding in a timely manner to information regarding incidents, hazards, and risks
- Providing safe means of access and egress to and from places of work
- Reviewing, revising and evaluating our health and safety management systems and processes at regular intervals to ensure continuous improvement
- Supporting the safe and early return to work of injured workers.